Friday, August 17, 2018

Flinka - Review on the Company & A Small Product Review

*** I am writing this review on my own, I was not asked to do so, I was not sent these products in exchange for my review, I am not being paid to do this review, I wanted to give kudos to this company because they deserve them! ***

A week ago I was scrolling my Facebook timeline and I saw a post for a product it was a natural window wipe  , you'd use it instead of paper towels, and it's reusable, washable and lasts longer than paper towels. I left a comment simply asking " any free samples?" I really wasn't expecting a response back, but I got a private message a little while later, and they said yes they'd be happy to send me a sample and to give them my mailing address. So I did. Now I've done this in the past with other companies and products and either never got a response back, got a " No, Sorry we don't give samples" or ended up with this small square of a cloth that you'd never be able to actually use for its intended purpose to see if it worked as the company claimed, it was more to know how it felt, what it was made of, etc.

Fast Forward to today - My mailman came to my door with a medium sized Priority Mail box and my mail. My boyfriend asked me " was you expecting something?", I replied with " Um, no not that I can recall." But I do a lot of free samples all over the internet and a lot of them I forget all about by the time I finally do get them, but I know I had not put in for anything that would come in a box this size. And I had not ordered anything recently , except from Hollar, which comes in a bright orange box and says Hollar on it :) . So I was just as confused as he was.  I took it to my computer room, and got my scissors, and opened it, I saw the pamphlet first and was  remembered about asking for a sample of the window wipe. (yes it was only a week earlier that I had asked for it, and had completely forgot I was getting it, as my mother used to say " The mind is a terrible thing to lose"

Much to my surprise, this is what I saw when I opened the box ...

There is a total of 13 products in this box!!!!! 
I didn't think I was ever going to get to the bottom, and these are actual full sized products, the exact same as if I had placed an order through the company! I was not expecting this as my sample, I'm over joyed that a company would send this amount of products to sample, and not ask for anything in return. And I only posted on their Facebook post asking if they had a sample. This is the first company I've come across and asked for a sample, that went above and beyond my expectations!

Now I just got these today so I've not used everything yet, but I have used a few items, and I'll talk about those further into this post. Here is everything all spread out - some of these pictures do have a glare due to the plastic wrapping on the product, It is gloomy here today and I just couldn't get a decent picture without glare.

One of the 1st items I used are the Microfiber rags, there are 4 in the pack, they are a large size 

I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and I am down to 1 Parrot, Even though I have a rather high end HEPA Air Purifier my house still gets dusty, and gets dusty very quickly! We also spend most of the Summer & Spring with the windows open, which doesn't help the dust factor at all.
So I opened this up and grabbed out one, and cleaned 2 tables and a t.v. stand, 1 table is fake wood as is the t.v. stand one table is real oak , did a wonderful job on all three items, I just dusted as I normally do, Sprayed my dust cleaner on the table and wiped, I did have some fur fall to the ground and when I shook the rag some pieces did fall out, but no where near as much as I've had happen with cheaper dust rags labeled "microfiber" those I typically had the pet fur and dust just smear all over the tables. This did not do that. These are also soft and it says you can use on Computer, and T.V. Screens I've not done that yet.

The Next items I used were these 3 items, One is the Quilted Kitchen Cloth (White with Pink flowers), The Dish Scrub Cloth (White with orange Polka Dots), and then finally one of the Scour Sponges - Yes it was time to do the dishes 🤣

All three worked very well, and above my expectations, the sponge is very easy to hold (I have smaller hands) the way it is shaped makes it easy to grip. It is non abrasive, so it didn't scratch my stove top or my non stick skillet, and I even used it on my Cast Iron skillet and it worked great. The Dish Scrub cloth was much larger than I thought it would be even though each package has the size's of the cloth (I'm not that great with measurements) This cloth cleaned my dishes just as well as any kitchen dish rag I've ever used, I'm pretty sure I even did less scrubbing using it than a typical dish rag, and this cloth does not scratch either. I just dunked it down into my dish water, wrung it to where it was damp and washed my dishes , I didn't have to keep putting it down in the sink water like I do with normal dish rags, I went from doing all my dishes, to wiping down my counter tops, kitchen table, and stove without having to get the rag wet multiple times.  I used the  Quilted Kitchen Cloth to wipe my stove up after I wiped it with the Dish Scrub Cloth, Because for some reason no matter what I use (including sponges) after I wash the stove top, there are always things that just smear over it, I think it has a lot to do with what ever material it's made of, and I've always had to get a paper towel in the past and wipe it down again  to make it actually look clean, and that cloth did that without having to use or waste paper towels, I also used it to dry off my counter tops, and dry off my table and my sink when I was all done just like I normally do at the end of the night after I get all the dishes done with paper towels. Honestly think this worked better than paper towels.

Those were all the products I have used thus far, I am sure the rest will be just as wonderful when I get to them to use them as well.

I was excited to see these, I do own a swiffer, but I only buy the wet pads, and I buy the generic double pack of Walmart's brand . I have tile in a good portion of my house so I can't wait to try these out, it says on the box they work for the Swiffer Sweeper and Pledge Grab-It Sweeper

I was super excited to get this It is a Reusable Pet Towel! With 2 dogs I can't wait to use it.

To the left is the Shammy Sponge - I haven't used this yet - The pamphlet says " Covered with Viscose, these "water magnets" absorb over 15 times its weight. Machine Washable and unlike cellulose sponges, they perform without the problems of bacteria growth" 
These sound pretty good, I don't like using sponges often due to them getting gross and smelly after just a couple of uses, so will be interesting to see how that works. The other one is the scour sponge I wrote about above.

I didn't post single pics of all the products just a few of them, Everything is washable and reusable all the cloths you can wash either by hand or in the washer, the packages say you can put them in the dryer if you use a no heat setting, but I'll just be either hanging mine on the clothes line or laying them flat to dry. If you'd like to check Flinka out visit their website at and go show em' some love over on their facebook page

Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my blog today, Hope you have a great day, and stop by again.

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Have an awesome day! ~ Rebel Reviewer ~ 😎

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