Gumby - My Green Quaker Parrot - I named her after my mom - my mom's nickname had been Gumby for many years, I couldn't come up with a name for her when I got her, and one day that just clicked, and my mom was very happy that I named my bird after her :) Gumby was a rescue bird, I don't know much about her life before she came to live with me, I only know the year she was born (it's on her leg band) she was born in 1990! Which means by today's date which is February 24, 2018 means sometime this year she'd be 28 years old, since I didn't know her exact hatch date (Birds don't have "Birth" days since they hatch from eggs :) ) I gave her one - July 4th I got her July 1 2008 - Quakers life expectancy is on average 25 years - She's still going strong, She doesn't really talk, about all she's ever said is Step Up, she makes Kissing sounds, She will give me kisses on command. She's a pretty cool bird, she only likes me though :)
Toby & Belle - These are my sons dogs, they're hunting dogs, but they're still part of our family nonetheless They turn 5 this year. They've lived together their entire life, they would be lost if they didn't have one another. If one gets out of the kennel, the other won't stop barking its head off until the one who got out is back! Toby is very laid back, and mellow, and just goes with the flow, Belle on the other hand reminds me of a toddler who ate a 5 pound bag of sugar , she is on the move constantly, It is extremely hard to get any decent pictures of her because she just wants to run, run, and run some more. They're both sweet as pie , but are your typical beagles, They started kicking up rabbits at 3 months old before my son ever had a chance to train them - This is due to their excellent blood line which This is not the 1st beagle from this blood line I've owned, my 1st passed a few years back!
Toby |
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Belle |
Bubby - Bubby is my American Pit Bull Terrier He will be 3 on August 21st I've had him since he was 8 weeks old! He's my big ole' baby! We can tell the cats not to do something and he'll run off and go lay down thinking he was the one who was in trouble! He loves kids, he loves the cats, the beagles are his best friends, and now he's got a "girl friend" and she's the love of his life (more on her in a moment) . He is such a great dog! But then again he is a Great breed! He sleeps with my son every night, unless my son is at a friends house on the weekend, He pouts when my son isn't home when he thinks he's supposed to be, and if he is even 2 seconds late coming in from school he'll start pacing the house looking out any window he can get to , searching for his "Brother" , I often say I'm pretty sure my 1st Beagle is reincarnated into Bubby because she did exactly the same thing!
Cali - This is Bubby's "Girl Friend" I got her October 2017 , she was my boyfriends' oldest daughters , she had to find a new home for her when she had to move and couldn't take her with her, Cali had been ill for a while , and a lot of my blog posts on dog products feature Cali. Cali turned 9 Just this month! Cali is the sweetest, most loving and caring dog I've seen in a long time, Her owner rescued her when she was only 6 weeks old, she was dying from parvo, she saved her life! Cali has grown up with 3 boys, 2 of them being twins who just turned 6. She never cared what those boys did to her, rather it was riding her like she was a horse, pulling her ears, tail, laying on her like she was their personal pillow. Never complained! She loves her boys! Cali is 1/2 Red-nosed American Pit Bull Terrier and 1/2 Lab! She's been through a lot, 2 vets and a lot of people told her owner to put her down. We knew it was not Cali's time, and I wasn't giving up! That is how she came to live with me and that is now why those same people can't believe the dog I have is the same dog they kept telling her owner to put to sleep! VET included!!!
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Cali On the day I got her - October 13,2017 |
Cali (Center) July 2018 sleeping with Simba and Bubby |
It is with heavy heart, I have to post that we've had to say our See You Laters' to Miss Cali, She got very ill again, very quickly, She had to be put down on August 18, 2018, Due to Cancer, and her stomach filling with liquid(blood). We miss her very much, Bubby is still very lost without his "girlfriend" and I'm lost without my sleeping buddy, I miss her snuggling up next to me every night, shoving her muzzle into my neck and snoring before I even get my eyes closed! She is loved and missed daily! But we all know she's in a better place, She got to meet up with my beloved Beagle Sheba who passed away in 2013, They're running and playing like it's no ones business until we all meet up again at the Rainbow Bridge. ~ Gone , but never forgotten!~ ~ No longer by my side but forever in my heart~ Cali also got to tell my mom Happy Birthday for me , because she passed away on her Birthday and I know my mom was there waiting on her with Sheba by her side!
Cali (Rest in Peace my sweet girl) February 6, 2009 - August 18, 2018
The Cats - I'll just put them all on one spot -since they're actually a family, Mother, Father, and Son
The mom is my Manx, The Dad is the Grey Bengal Mix, The son is the dark brown/black Manx Bengal who looks and acts more like the Bengal breed than the Manx .. They're cats not a whole lot to say about them. They do their own thing.
Nala (Mom), Simba (Dad), & Tigger (Son)
Thanks for meeting the Furry & Feathered members of our family - They love to help me test out products, and give their reviews as well :)
The "New Kid on the Block"
Bubby & Nala Napping |
Bubby & Cali Napping -they're pretty inseparable |
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On her way home to her new forever home |
Meet Stormie! She's an AKC Registered Lemon Beagle, she's 2 years old as of March 24, 2020. I got her June 2020 . She was more of a rescue situation than anything, however, I didn't know this when I went and picked her up, A friend of mine has a friend who breeds Beagles, I've been wanting a Lemon Beagle for years. I'd wanted a puppy, due to Bubby being aggressive towards other dogs, but he loved when my son still lived at home, and we'd bring in the Beagle pups from his dogs (Toby and Belle from above). And he took right to Cali, however, she did used to have sleep overs when he was a pup, but it had been almost a year since they'd seen each other and I wasn't sure if he'd remember her, but he was great with her , not sure if he remembered her, or if it was because when I brought her into our home for good she was ill. So needless to say I was hesitant on an adult dog, even if it was a Beagle and he loved Toby and Belle but he grew up with them, so, I decided to go ahead and get her, if he ended up not being nice to her , she was already used to living outside so I could still keep her she'd just be outside instead. On the way home my friend let me know that the breeder was going to put her down if I had not taken her (no one told me this before hand,because even though in normal circumstances I am a very quiet, laid back person, that bites my tongue more than speaking my mind, but when it comes to animals and their well being, how they're being kept, etc if it's not up to standards I'm going to rip you apart, and I guess my friends just didn't want a scene, so they waited til we were a good distance away before telling me)
Stormie is a very unique dog, to put it in better terms, She has anxiety, she's scared of everything including her own shadow , though she is getting better over time of not being scared of everything, she doesn't chase after rabbits, she hunts moles, she is not learning the whole house training thing at all, but she is so loving, and so sweet, she hardly ever barks, mainly when she's playing, or trying to get Bubby to play with her, once in a while she'll bark at "Chunky" a resident squirrel who likes to torment the dogs when they're out in their kennel
Stormie is a very unique dog, to put it in better terms, She has anxiety, she's scared of everything including her own shadow , though she is getting better over time of not being scared of everything, she doesn't chase after rabbits, she hunts moles, she is not learning the whole house training thing at all, but she is so loving, and so sweet, she hardly ever barks, mainly when she's playing, or trying to get Bubby to play with her, once in a while she'll bark at "Chunky" a resident squirrel who likes to torment the dogs when they're out in their kennel
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Where she would spend the majority of her time if she wasn't pacing around the room |
She has came a very long way in the 5 months she has been her, for the first month if not more she'd only lay by me, and if any one moved she got scared and started pacing again, Oh I guess I forgot to mention she's a pacer! She will pace around for hours on end , rather she's in the house or out in the kennel it didn't matter, hours and hours of pacing in circles, nothing I did would make her stop, she'd finally get tired and come next to my feet curl in a ball and go to sleep, she wouldn't get on furniture unless I was on it. She doesn't pace as much now, she now will sleep on the couch, or in a recliner, or in my bed on the rare occasion I let her stay out of the crate at night. But she just can't seem to get the hang of only pottying outside. So that is why you've seen a lot of posts to do with urine cleaning products on my blog lately!
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