Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dr. Scholl Messaging Gel Insoles

I was selected to do a review on Dr. Scholl's Messaging Gel Insoles . I received my kit from on May 30,2012 for free.

I have a very hard time wearing shoes, mainly tennis shoes, no matter the style, brand, or any other factor they hurt my feet badly, because I am "cursed" with flat feet, I have no arches at all, so shoes with arches Hurt, shoes with out arches hurt as well. I do prefer to go barefoot at all times (Plus I'm a country girl lol) BUT you can't go into public places and places of business with out shoes on ;) So I've suffered pretty much all my life, but as soon as I am able to my shoes come off as quickly as I can get them off!

I put the insoles in my tennis shoes right after this picture was taken, I didn't have no where to go, but I threw my shoes on and walked around the house, and took my dog out and walked around the yard.

Let me tell you it was like walking on CLOUDS! I was impressed as I have tried many insoles in the past and none have done what they claimed to do! the gel took a few minutes for me to get used to as its not something I've had under my feet before =) in just the few minutes I've used these I'm in love and for a change actually can not wait until I have to go shopping To really try them out, as Shopping kills my feet, with all the walking around the stores. So I will most definitively be reporting back once I get to really try them out on a good hard Grocery shopping trip ;) but I really don't see my review changing that much expect more for the good ;)

As it stands right now If I had to rate these insoles on a 1- 10 scale with 1 being bad and 10 being great - they get a 10.5 :)

Along with the insoles I also was given 8 $5.00 off coupons to share with friends and family so they can also see how great the Dr. School's Message Gel Insoles are.

~Until Next Time

BzzAgent Atvchick - signing off ~

Update: Feb. 8,2013 I am still using the Insoles, the same exact ones I got back in May. They are excellent insoles, work very well and last a long time.

To Purchase your own, follow the link

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