I've been using this product for about a week now, I however noticed great results within 3 days of using it on my American Pit Bull Terrier. I can not guarantee that all dogs will have the same quick response though, as each dog is different.
These soft chews contain Omega 3, 6, and 9, along with cod liver oil and fish oil to soften your pet’s skin and fur, as well as flax seed meal, vitamin C and biotin to keep your pets feeling just as good as they look
They've helped my dog who has a sensitive stomach, so he itches a lot because he ends up eating foods (mainly people food that the kids drop) that he shouldn't eat. Along with just normal environmental factors that make dogs itch. He's itched way less since I started giving these to him. And above all he loves them and as soon as he hears the container being picked up he'll come running, even if he was in a dead sleep, and if I forget to give them to him he reminds me! He'll come sit next to me look at the container that sits on my computer desk, whine and look at me and look back at the container. He also knows he only gets them once a day, so he's not doing it just because he wants more.
I recommend this product to any one who has a dog that has any skin issues or fur issues. It's worth a try I can't guarantee it'll cure all the problems, because some can only be cured by medicine given at the vet, however, These chews contain vitamins and minerals our dogs should be getting any way, that are not in their dog food - no matter how expensive or "top of the line" the food is or supposed to be, a lot of the minerals and vitamins they need, are listed in dog food, but what they don't let you know is those vitamins and minerals end up getting broken down during the process of making the dog food, so even though it's listed in the ingredients there is no longer enough in the food to help the dog out.
If you'd like to purchase your own Omega Bites Skin & Coat Support (Click the link to purchase - link will open in a new window)
* NOTE: I have not been paid to make this post, I did get a discount on the product, but this review is from my own personal experience with the product, it is not in any way swayed. it is a honest review on how this product has been working for my dog. * *

Bubby - Our American Pit Bull Terrier |
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