When I saw this product I wasn't thinking of just myself, but also my 17 year old son, no matter how much over the years I got on to him about sitting up straight, or bumping him in the back and telling him "sit up", " stand up straight" he failed to head my advice . He takes after me on this! I was warned too, and I failed to listen as well (SORRY DAD , now I know how you felt dealing with the same thing with me!)
So I got accepted for the product, got it in the mail the other day, it just came in a packaging envelope, then inside of that, it was inside a plastic zip up bag, it also came with a free resistant band and a card with some instructions (and images for instructions) which to me made no sense, and wasn't making it 'easy' as they said to figure this contraption out, it reminded me of a figure 8 dog harness only mainly all Velcro
I went to the website located on the card, only to see it doesn't work, so I did a general search for them, found their twitter page, website was posted there, again didn't work, found their Facebook page, again website posted does not work. I contacted them through Tomoson messaging to alert them their site doesn't work, I don't know if perhaps who ever is in charge of the website forgot to publish it/make it go live. or what , but it does not work! I've never heard back from them!
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© Rebel Reviewer |
I sent them the message through Tomoson on Februrary 26 2018, They've had more than enough time to respond, especially since it states on the card there is a video tutorial on the site to show how to properly use this item
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© Rebel Reviewer |
But it's all good I got it figured out, and that won't influence my opinion on the product at all
So when my son got home and I finally had it figured out, I put it on him, It goes on like a vest or a backpack, simple enough, then you use the Velcro strips to tighten it up , however his shoulders never pulled back like they claim they will, no matter how tight I pulled the straps.
Below are pictures after I had got it on him and adjusted as tightly as I could on him (I got the Large/Extra Large size) he is standing in his normal position, he was not changing anything for my pictures (he didn't even want me to take pictures - but he's a good sport anyway)
Below are pictures after I had got it on him and adjusted as tightly as I could on him (I got the Large/Extra Large size) he is standing in his normal position, he was not changing anything for my pictures (he didn't even want me to take pictures - but he's a good sport anyway)
Back View |
As you can see it is not bulky or thick and it wears like a vest, backpack, or even those vest type things people carry their pistols in.
Side View |
From the side I had to have him turn to an angle a little because a complete side view you were unable to see the Posture Corrector at all, because of how slender it is.
The Pros:
*Good Quality Velcro *Not a thick/bulky product
*Appears to be made well
The Cons:
*Too hard to put on alone, I tried several times
*Company website doesn't work - this is actually a con for the product, since you're not able to go to the site they tell you to go to to get that video that shows how to use the product, and it means you're not able to contact them with any issues.
* Saw no real difference in having it on , during the recommended max time of 20 minutes, it felt like he just had a backpack on.
In conclusion, overall it's a good concept, we will be continuing using this product between the two of us over the next several weeks, and I will do a final impressions type update after that. But at this very moment, I would not be able to recommend this product as it has not done anything it claims to do. This may change over the coming weeks. Only time will tell.
I did receive this product for free, for my honest review, and that is exactly what I've done here. My opinions and views may change after testing this out for several more weeks, however thus far this is what I truly think of this product.
If you'd like to purchase your own - Use this link to do so https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DA2WEDU0DPE73CY&field-keywords=posture+corrector&field-asin=B071R4P85T
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